Golden Egg Auction

Golden Egg Auction

For our fall fundraiser, DesignEgg enlisted the help of more than 35 of our favorite artists and brands who donated pottery, jewelry, outdoor gear, gift certificates, and more our to an online auction. From October 5-25, 90 bids were placed and 43 people won some terrific items, which were then shipped directly from the artist/retailer. “Support DesignEgg. Get Something Special.” was the tagline for this creative online event that raised almost $3,500 for community-funded design!

Art Donations by: HP Bloomer, Audrey Bodisco, Jessica Brandl, Darcy Chenoweth, Sarah C. Chapman, Kristen Dake, Paul Eshelman,Sarah West Ervin, Brett Freund, Andrew Gilliatt, April Marie Hale, Marina Lampropoulou, Katie Mills, Carissa Potter,Pam Robinson, Maggie Russell, Sam Scott, Lisa Slodki, Amy Higgins Stambaugh, Michelle Starbuck, Gale Straub, Arlie Trowbridge, Stacey Lee Webber, Emily Schroeder Willis, Kensuke Yamada, and Rebecca Zemans.

Retail Donations by: PatagoniaOrganic ClimbingLillstreet Art CenterRumplGoalZeroMoja GearFirst Ascent ClimbingIntelligentsia CoffeeThe Little Yoga MatDynamite StarfishTopo Designs

Thanks to all those who donated and participated.


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